Office of Everyone

Trochilidae [hummingbird]

A video installation for the gallery, the home, the classroom or the office, which tells the cautionary tale of hummingbird classification and AI.

Trochilidae [hummingbird]

Hummingbirds have puzzled scientists for centuries by defying classification. Their complex history serves as an allegory for the wider challenges we face today in artificial intelligence and classification. Lessons from this cautionary tale become increasingly urgent as AI technologies are introduced into vital services like policing and healthcare. The project explores these complex themes through scripted dialogue, orchestral composition, spatial audio, and multi-screen animation.

The work is presented as both a multi-channel video installation and a custom built app. The installation conceals networked screens and speakers within six meticulously designed structures. The app synchronises video and audio across multiple personal devices such as phones and tablets, providing the same experience anywhere.

  • Demo film (Recognised by Media Architecture Biennale and the Lumen Prize)
  • A prototype web-app that synchronises animation across a number of smartphones to create a shared multi-screen experience at home (quarantine video).
  • ’Hummingboxes’ contain a screen, speaker and networked Raspberry pi, allowing animation and spatial sound to flow between them.
  • Multi-channel audio track featuring narrated story and spatial orchestral composition.
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Opus Criminale

An interactive time capsule that uses sound, light and mist to amplify forgotten voices in the Victoria and Albert Museum.